Music copyright © 1963 by Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich, and Phil Spector
Words 2002 by Jim Bearden (Warning: Explicit Lyrics)
On seeing the warning on this song– and you’ll see that there are some of the usual 4-letter words, plus some more subtle ones (to “do” someone, for example)– you might be wondering, “Why ‘explicit lyrics’?” since I haven’t used them in most of my other songs. Perhaps it’s because, underneath the humor, this song is about what I regard as much more of a real obscenity than a few “dirty words”: the system of financing political campaigns that allow big corporations, like Enron, to buy politicians like George W. Bush (Enron was one of the largest contributors to all of Bush’s campaigns), usually using someone else’s money. In return, they get access to the inner policy-making councils, and to even more of everyone else’s money, as Enron did in plundering my own state of California, with the complicity of Bush’s Federal Energy “Regulatory” Commission. And while there have been some (justified) cries of outrage about the large amounts of money that the top Enron executives stole from their employees and stockholders, and calls for efforts to recover some of the money for the victims, there has been very little heard about the large amounts of that same money that the politicians received as legalized bribes, or any efforts to recover it. So, as I said above, don’t let the “dirty words” distract you from seeing the real obscenities in this story.
Verse 1:
Got “Lay”-ed on a Monday, for a million bucks.
I do Enron-ron, I do Enron.
‘Cause campaign finance laws really suck.
I do Enron-ron, I do Enron.
Got “Lay”-ed for a million bucks.
‘Cause obeyin’ the law really sucks.
So you gotta know who to fuck:
I do Enron-ron, I do Enron.
Verse 2:
They knew what they were doing when they bought my soul.
I do Enron-ron, I do Enron.
A cheap ticket to the White House, ’cause they had me cold.
I do Enron-ron, I do Enron.
Yeah, they bought my soul.
Yeah, they had me cold.
‘Cause they knew that they owned me whole.
I do Enron-ron, I do Enron.
Verse 3:
They bought me the election, we were doing well.
I do Enron-ron, I do Enron.
But they got too greedy, and the company fell.
They blew Enron-ron, they blew Enron.
Yeah, we were doing well.
But then the company fell.
But I’ve got mine, and they can go to hell–
So screw Enron-ron, so screw Enron.
I do Enron-ron, I do Enron.
I do Enron-ron, I do Enron.
But they blew Enron-ron, they blew Enron,
So screw Enron-ron, so screw Enron.
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